Thursday, December 01, 2005

December already ...

T minus 3 days. We remain in the Assembly Building, but there are increasing signs that we’ll be rolling out to the Launch Pad pretty soon (I hope I’m not still saying that in two weeks time – if so, Speedy may have to rethink her blog name). This morning, talk has gone from “How will I know when it’s starting?” to “O God, I remember this feeling!”. Apparently the Launch Pad needs one hours' notice to fill the birthing pool – plus I’ll need about twenty minutes to squeeze into my old Speedos and get the webcam ready ...

Thankfully, we finalised the name of the little sagittarian astronaut last night too, but are withholding it for now just in case he doesn’t look like a Shadwell Orlando.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make sure you text me when Orlando (Buzz) Shadwell starts to boldly go into the final frontier - one small step for man, one giant push from Speedy!