Wednesday, November 30, 2005

hum dum te tum ...............

T minus 4 days. Well the cold snap is over, we're well slept, we've re-read the books, the old baby seat is re-attached in the car, the house is clean, we've bought the nappies & bottles & wet wipes & vests, Pooce is now repeating "baby out", etc. etc. etc. Feels as if someone from the council might come round for an inspection. But still no early action here & we're counting down for Sunday.

Speedy's been reluctantly blooming in the last few days - never one to go overboard with optimism but she's been notably upbeat since the baby lowered his position and we finished working on the house (dare I say she's got a spring in her waddle?). I'm looking forward to the whole thing too, not least as I'm taking two-weeks paternity and a few days leave so, with Christmas holidays too, I'll not be working at all during December and can enjoy the family & Christmas in glorious sleepless peace.

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