Sunday, December 18, 2005

The future's bright ....

T plus 15 days. Blob birthday minus 1 day.

Team A have returned to the launchpad in readiness for Mission BirthdayBlob which launches tomorrow. I Googled to see whether there's a checklist of things I was meant to have done before reaching 35 (Mondeo - tick, Pooce & Kootcha - tick, House - tick, Wife - tick tick, Hairy ears - possibly?, Military Service - you're kidding, Conservative Party - STOP!). Anyway, birthdays that end with '0' or '5' turn me all introspective, and 35's been accompanied by a neon-flashing "half-way, half-way" vibe (although I'm sure life expectancy's now 110 - in which case I'm not even a third of the way through). Either way, rest assured that appropriate mid-life resolutions have been made (none of which involve a drumkit, a motorbike, or David Cameron).

We'll take some festive pictures of the kids to post tomorrow ...

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