Sunday, December 04, 2005

Houston, we're ready to roll.

T minus a few hours. Our little astronaut's having a game of peekaboo before deciding to launch for real. The delivery unit have said to try and stay home until contractions are 5 minutes apart. At the moment they've gone back up to about 15, so Speedy's getting some inter-contractural (is that a word?) sleep, seeing as she had none last night. Prepare for main engines ignition?

Today's also the first anniversary of moving into the Team A residence - and as Speedy has somewhat forcibly denied permission for her pre-launch photo to appear here (!), then here's a picture. Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi to Team A, this blogging thing is new to me, so hope this transmission gets to you. Kitchen looks fabulous, so does every member of team A. Thinking of you during the final countdown, looking forward to hearing about the latest team member. Lots of love Rxxxx