Monday, January 30, 2006

Pooce's Log: Stardate Monday

This morning I was sick

Blob helped me with the camera

My brother

Stars on my ceiling

Blog news

For the four weeks of February, the trainees (Pooce & Kootcha) and their instructors (Speedy & Blob) are each taking over the blog for a week. Starting today, trainee fairy/astronaut Pooce has got the camera, the (com)Poota and a mission to show whatever she likes …………

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Challenger Disaster - 28th Jan 1986

Today, the Team A astronaut training facility remembers those on whose shoulders we now stand.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Pooce of the D'Urbervilles

Ok, so it's not Stonehenge (and Pooce wasn't apprehended).

Pooce and me went to St Lythan's burial chamber (6500 BC) today, which is in a field that's supposedly cursed. Strangely enough, Pooce kept saying "I worry" the whole time - but she says that about cats, the breadmaker and her uncles too & surely they can't all be cursed ........... (?!)

Friday, January 06, 2006

up north .....

Work took me to the Isle of Anglesey yesterday, 252 miles, 5 hours each way - an hour further away than Cambridge! Still, you don't get this kind of scenery in pancake land ..... (the yellow search helicopter's looking for a lost walker).

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Winter Wonderland is across the road from my office. Here's Speedy, Pooce & Kootcha on the way home. Tomorrow's the last day before it all gets taken down so we've promised Pooce a last ride on the Carousel (good g-force training).

Pooce is also getting good at putting sentences together & tonight combined her three favourite words into "Lucy's going Chocolate Shopping". That's my girl ........
First day back in the office, and therefore Speedy’s first day as sole mission controller. Apparently Kootcha’s been crying more than usual today, and I’ve taken this as a sign that he’s missing my nurturing hand. Pooce has been shipped out to the temporary holding facility (nursery) all day, and as part of our new year’s resolution to improve mission fitness we’re all about to meet up to walk the half-mile back to where the rover vehicle’s parked. Pictures to follow …..

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Astronaut training log 2006 ....

The trainees had a day off today to prepare for the tough programme in the year ahead. Pooce looks like she's spent too long in the centrifuge !